• The Hartles

  • Even though they have only lived here since June, the Hartle family feels right at home in Franklin, PA.

    After Ryan Hartle graduated from the University of Pittsburgh Dental School, he and his wife, Allison, moved to Oil City close to where Ryan grew up. He was working at the Salvation Army Dental Center at the time. With a second child due to arrive this October, the Hartles knew they needed a bigger house, and they were drawn to Franklin for multiple reasons.

    In 2013, Ryan purchased a dental practice on 13th Street in downtown Franklin from Dr. Marc Livezey, so Franklin was their first choice for a shorter commute, especially during after-hours emergencies. “I have to say it's pretty awesome to able to get to work in 5-6 minutes instead of 20-25 minutes,” he said. Looking to the future, being in the same town as the Venango County Courthouse will be ideal for Allison when she returns to work as an attorney after taking time off to be with their son, Ronan, and their new baby. 

    The short drive to work wasn’t the only draw to Franklin, though. “I love Franklin's charm.  It's a pleasure to walk down Liberty see the storefronts, restaurants and friendly faces.  Whether it’s an event in the park or a show at the Barrow, there always seems to be something happening in Franklin that you can enjoy,” Ryan said. “It's also nice to be surrounded by nature.  It is easy to take our beautiful scenery for granted, but it's so nice to have the lush greens in the spring and summer and changing leaves in autumn.”  

    Speaking of Franklin’s activities, the Hartles moved into their new home on the day of the Fourth of July parade. Fortunately, they were able to get all of their moving done in the morning and didn't have to worry about entering a U-Haul into the parade, Ryan joked.

    Having lived in Pittburgh for years, the Hartles also appreciate being able to revisit the city any time. Between undergraduate at Pitt, dental school at Pitt and residency at Allegheny General, Ryan lived in Pittsburgh for nine years. Allison went to law school at Pitt.  That's where they met, where they got married and where her parents live, so being able to get to Pittsburgh quickly is a huge benefit. “It's nice to be able to take an hour and a half drive and enjoy a meal at the restaurant where my wife and I had our first date.  It's nice to be able to enjoy all that Pittsburgh has to offer as well all that Franklin has to offer.”

    Getting to Pittsburgh is also a professional imperative for Ryan. In an effort to stay up to date on the latest techniques and technology, he travels to Pittsburgh a lot for dental related events. He is part of a study club that meets once a month and attends multiple continuing education programs that are either in Pittsburgh or require him to fly out from the city. “It's going to be nice to have a thirty minute shorter drive home when returning from those events,” he said.

    Though leaving the house where Ronan was raised until he turned two was bittersweet, Ryan said it was reassuring to the family that the house felt like home instantly. “It wasn't a far move, so that definitely helped, but there are still usually those feelings of being at least a little out of place until you get settled in a new house and location.” Even little Ronan settled into the new home quickly. “Watching him run around the new home and yard and playing like nothing had changed was heartwarming. “Living in a place that you can feel comfortable raising a family gives you a peace of mind that is priceless.” 

    “I interact with a good portion of the community because of work.  Everyone has been extremely welcoming.  I hear, ‘We are glad to have you in Franklin.’ multiple times a week.  I'm really appreciative of all the kind welcoming words I've received, and I'm glad to be in Franklin,” Ryan said.

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