The information listed on the calendar is provided to the chamber by the hosts and sponsors.
Be sure to check the links in each event for changes - weather-related or otherwise.
Community Safety & Crisis Response Training
Survival Mindset, the Franklin Area Chamber and Trails to Ales II are partnering to offer Community Safety & Crisis Response Training on April 2. Two duplicate half-day sessions will be offered. - 8:15-11:30 a.m. and 1:15 to 4:30 p.m.
The program topics include recognizing threats, human trafficking, self-defense, preventing potential dangers, administering basic first aid, trauma and medical situations, quick communication with 911 and interacting with local responders.
The costs is $25 per person or $20 each for groups of three or more.
Register by calling the chamber at 814-432-5823 or jodi@franklinareachamber.org.Images
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Community Safety & Crisis Response Tr...Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 2, 2025
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